The development of unique automated sales platform (service), which will target to resolve 90% of the existing market issues.
We are aiming to create the sales service #1 in the world, which will consider both the major problems of our clients and pay attention to the details that will help to make the work with them more convenient. There are possibilities of solving the problems of all the participants of the process: via providing the tools that will operate as a single organism. How do we see it? It is an automated service, which connects all the participants and provides an opportunity to exchange information quickly and in a timely manner. We resolve the matters of tracking of the clients’ orders and documentary flows via digitalization of the flow and digital signatures.
Market Overview
1. CustomersThese are construction, mounting and any other companies that perform construction and installation works for their own needs, also these are individuals who perform construction works for themselves or have pre-orders(for sale)
2. Manufactures
These are the factories and production facitlites producing construction material. There are many of them, as well as the materials that they produce(from nails to cement and concrete products)
3. Logistics experts
Someone has to deliver materials from manufacturers to the end users or to transshipment hubs (warehouses). We consider the possibility
4. Warehouses. Strage service
One more important participant of the business process. These can be both permanent storage places for materials and temporary storages with further tranportation
The Main Tasks That Our Servicee Solves
>Elimination of intermediaries and corruption>Generation of new orders
>Managing orders and separate segments of the enterprise
>Cost optimization
>Quality analytics and planning capability
>Ease of use
>Data relevance
>Security for participants
>Timely notifications
>Digitalization and e-commerce developmen
How Can AIDA SERVICE Be Useful
-Automated platform for selling products and service-Regularly update database of customers: logistics experts and suppliers
-System for processing of orders, production and supply of necessary materials
-Full line of construction materials in one system
-A well-developed loyalty system for participants
-The possibility to work without intermediaries within our service
-A convenient marketplace for placing production
-The system of ratings and confidance level towards manufactures and suppliers, product cards
-Optimization of marketing and sales costs
-High verification level of manufacturers and suppliers during registration process in the system
-An effective logistics solution,. Intefration with warehouses and logistics experts
-Time optimization, cost optimization for the search of production and suppliers
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