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Daftar Blog

Minggu, 17 Juni 2018


Blockchain is at the forefront of a new digital revolution that has caught the world by storm. In essence, blockchain is a decentralised network and digital ledger for transactions, which can be programmed to store all types of valuable data and also has no single point of failure. ImmVRse will be powered by a web infrastructure built on the foundation of blockchain called Ethereum. This is a platform that allows smart contracts to be distributed as well as decentralised applications to be developed and run without the influence of a central arbitrator, downtime, fraud or any external interference. 

-CREATIVITY-(ImmVRse will not only provide a common platform for general viewers, advertisers and businesses, but also a community where members can interact, help and inspire each other to create some of the best VR content available online. By using the power of a decentralised network, we will create an efficient and self-sustaining ecosystem for our members.)

-CONTROL-(Control and the power of sharing will be shifted towards the community to remove centralised decision making and removing third party or middlemen from the workflow. ImmVRse will not act as a mediator or intermediary. Every job will use the functions of smart contracts, the parameters of which will be set by the users on both sides, e.g. brands and the content creators. The contract will be deployed on the blockchain and payments will be processed based on set deadlines agreed between parties. The system of contracting will therefore function similar to a peer-to-peer hiring system.)

-PAYMENT-( Payment is one of the biggest problems that blockchain will solve via this application. Firstly, there are no high transaction fees, requirement for bank accounts or any other restrictions for users. Using ImmVRse tokens, it will take seconds to send and receive payments anywhere around the world without paying a high processing fee to a bank or a third party money transfer. This will open opportunities to millions of content creators in many countries where the citizens prefer using cryptocurrencies due to geographical and administrative restrictions imposed by their country’s legislative authority. Additionally, the users will be moderated using a sophisticated autonomous ID verification system. Once the users are verified, the payments will be made using ImmVRse tokens.)

-REVENUE-(ImmVRse will allow creators to attract lucrative contracts from employers, as well as creating customised content for companies and high profile global brands. Besides, the system has been designed to not only reward creators, but also the VR content viewers who will be incentivised using tokens for interacting with the application. Additionally, high-value creators will pay a monthly fee to the platform for maintaining their premium status. By creating a balanced ecosystem, the platform will aim to become one of the largest video sharing platform, thus attracting hundreds of companies around the world. The combination of all the above will contribute to ensuring the rapid growth of users and content. This in turn will attract advertisers to invest into the platform to the benefit of all within the ecosystem.)

ImmVRse is a mix of B2C and B2B, connected & decentralised blockchain VR video-sharing platform, where VR content producers are able to showcase their talents to a broad audience. Brands can hire content producers and also directly advertise to viewers on the platform. Viewers are able to interact with the community by liking, commenting and sharing videos, in addition to receiving rewards as an incentive.

Target audience for ImmVRse is primarily those who are involved or would like to be involved in VR content production and the age range is between the ages of 16 to 45. The corporate target audience varies from small businesses, start-ups and medium enterprises to large consumer brands and internet personalities.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

Vision immVRse

ImmVRse is a decentralised website, iOS and android application which utilises a standard Ethereum based ERC20 token to create its own eco-system. ImmVRse will be the first decentralized and distributed digital. video platform that will allow content creators, brands and advertisers around the world to collaborate and produce the best of what Virtual Reality has to offer. ImmVRse will focus primarily on VR/AR/Mixed reality and is easily scalable to embrace other forms of media production such as, 3D animation. Currently, there is no other platform providing the ability to showcase VR content and allowing direct employment as a result.

We strongly believe that Virtual Reality will play a significant part in our lives during the next decade. This will come in many different forms and affect a wide range of business segments. Already, we are seeing huge transformations in the medical, gaming, manufacturing and educational sectors where substantial investments have been made in both hardware and software. The demand for specific and quality content unlocks opportunities for creative, collaborative and contribution of VR production, thus gradually revolutionising the virtual reality industry as a whole.

We are confident that blockchain will provide the chance to create a more secure and transparent platform for a new generation of VR content creators, permitting them to showcase their work to a global reach of businesses, from start-ups all the way up to big corporations. Smart contracts in conjunction with cryptocurrency will inevitably improve upon the current payment methods by adding the missing layer of trust and drive real values for all members of the Eco-system.

Our long-term vision is to become one of the largest decentralised creative platforms; a self-sustaining and autonomous network that utilises a personalised cryptocurrency as a tradable commodity
Virtual Reality (VR) is the umbrella term for all immersive experiences created using real-world content, purely artificial content or a hybrid of both. Within this, there are 4 core types:
- 360° Video 
360-degree videos are video recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same time. Real world content is filmed using an omni-directional camera or a collection of cameras, to allow viewing from every angle. 
- Computer Generated VR (CGVR) 
Computer Generated Virtual Reality (CGVR) is essentially the synthetic version of a 360-degree video. Immersive content is created using computer rendered images.
- Augmented Reality (AR) 
Augmented reality (AR) is an overlay of content on the real world, but that content is not anchored to or part of it. The real-world content and the CG content are not able to respond to each other.
- Mixed Reality (AR) 
Mixed reality (MR) is an overlay of synthetic content on the real world that is anchored to and interacts with the real world. The key characteristic of MR is that the synthetic content and the real-world content are able to react to each other in real time.

Virtual reality is currently estimated to be a $1.6 billion market, of which most of the HMD (head mounted displays) are smartphone-based devices such as Google cardboard, due to lowers costs and availability. Although it compromises quality, price point is a very important factor for VR end users. VR headsets such as Oculus, Vive and PlayStation VR, three of the biggest current players on the market, will account for an estimated 3 million units in 2017 and will increase to 5 million in 20185 .

Research conducted by business Insider shows positive forecasts for virtual reality. BI Intelligence (2016) states that the adoption of VR and AR headsets will grow slowly after the launch of mobile and PC VR, followed by mainstream adoption of stand-alone headsets6 . While research conducted by Goldman Sachs shows exponential growth, as the total revenue for VR software industry will grow from $28 billion in 2020 to $79 billion in 2025, as the combined hardware and software revenue will grow to $90 billion7 . 

In the research paper, Boland (2016) purports that beyond gaming, the VR entertainment industry will start developing once demand for VR headsets increases. Advertisements featured in virtual reality will have better view through rates. That is why many other industries are starting to adopt virtual reality, including travel agencies, e-commerce merchants and blue chip brands. According to research data by Tractica (2016), hardware and content companies will be banking on the strong consumer interest in Virtual Reality. Consequently, experts predict that over 150 million headsets will be sold between 2019 and 2020. With the ever-increasing use of Virtual Reality technology, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes a common household item. 
 Virtual reality content research organisation Superdata Research (2017) concludes that worldwide VR revenue will reach $28.3 billion, with an indication that the growth will start picking up by 2019. VR consumer software and services sales will further fuel this growth by $16.2 billion.

As the demand for virtual reality and head mounted display surges, the subsequent demand for content will also increase. This is where ImmVRse steps in as the platform will help sustain the growth of VR content development in marketing, entertainment and media industries. The content creators in ImmVRse will offer an array of VR content types, such as entertainment videos, VR vlogs, corporate introductions, VR music videos etc. 

Senin, 14 Mei 2018

LocalCoinSwap Platform Perdagangan

Ikhtisar platform
Pengembangan pada platform LocalCoinSwap dimulai pada bulan Agustus 2017 dan diperkirakan siap untuk awal rilis pada akhir Agustus 2018. Platform ini meminjam elemen dan fitur terbaik dari platform yang ada yang telah didesain ulang dengan fokus yang ditingkatkan pada pengalaman pengguna, penambahan koin dan penggabungan interaktivitas media sosial.
Filosofi pengembangan inti untuk platform LocalCoinSwap adalah: aman, mudah, dan menyenangkan.

Terutama platform telah dikembangkan dengan keamanan pengguna dalam pikiran. Perhatian yang cermat telah diambil untuk menerapkan mekanisme deteksi intrusi dan pemisahan komponen penting. Penelitian ekstensif dilakukan pada peretasan sebelumnya dan model keamanan pertukaran yang sebanding sebelum pembangunan dimulai.

Kemudahan penggunaan platform adalah harus mempertimbangkan kedua yang paling penting. Penting bahwa pengguna memiliki pengalaman yang lancar, dapat dengan cepat menemukan dan menggunakan fitur yang mereka butuhkan, dan tidak terbebani oleh halaman yang berlebihan atau antarmuka yang rumit. Jika memungkinkan, fokusnya adalah menawarkan sebanyak mungkin fitur sambil mempertahankan kesederhanaan visual

Proses pendaftaran telah disederhanakan tanpa verifikasi identitas yang diperlukan untuk pendaftaran. Pengguna dapat mengakses platform dengan cepat dan langsung memulai perdagangan tanpa batas.

Pertimbangan terakhir yang tidak kalah sama pentingnya adalah platform itu menyenangkan bagi pengguna. Tim pengembangan mengintegrasikan beberapa aspek media sosial ke situs yang teah dirancang untuk meningkatkan elemen komunitas dari pengalaman tersebut. Ini termasuk koin yang sedang tren, interactive charts & graphs, achievement badges, custom profile pictures, and a fully integrated forum.

Coin yang Ditawarkan
LocalCoinSwap bertujuan untuk menawarkan perdagangan pada mayoritas cryptocurrency dan aset digital untuk memberi manfaat bagi sejumlah besar pengguna. Platform akan terbuka secara bertahap karena anggaran pengembang, membuka dengan pilihan koin yang paling luas dan terus mengintegrasikan lebih banyak lagi. Ketika ada ketidak pastian mengenai apakah aset crypto tertentu harus dilaksanakan, atau urutan dimana cryptocurrency harus dilaksanakan, pemungutan suara diantara pemegang Cryptoshare akan berlangsung.

LocalCoinSwap memiliki sikap non-diskriminatif terhadap ulasan koin. Fokus platform adalah melayani kebutuhan sejumlah besar pengguna.

Sistem escrow
Sistem escrow LocalCoinSwap bertindak sebagai perantara antara pembeli dan penjual untuk menciptakan solusi tanpa kepercayaan terhadap masalah  yang menghambat transaksi P2P. LocalCoinSwap akan menerapkan opsi transaksi multi-tanda tangan untuk pengguna dalam mata uang jika memungkinkan. Ini akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk bertukar dengan tidak ada resiko platform.

Ketika perdagangan baru dimulai antara pedagang, LocalCoinSwap menguasai bagian tansaksi dari cryptocurrency, sementara pembayaran mata uang fiat dibuat langsung dari pembeli ke penjual. Setelah pembayaran telah dilakukan, dan penjual dapat memverifikasi transaksi mata uang fiat yang telah diterima, cryptocurrency diberikan kepada pembeli.

Penyelesaian Perselisihan
Jika terjadi perselisihan, pelepasan escrow dijeda dan dokumentasi pendukung diminta  masing-masing pihak untuk memediasi penyelesaian. LocalCoinSwap telah menguji-skenario disemua kasus yang terdapat dugaan secara tidak wajar, dimana sengketa  memulai dan  menciptakan proses yang ketat untuk menangani setiap kasus individu secara adil. Tim dukungan global akan memastikan bahwa anggota staf bersedia untuk menengahi masalah perdagangan setiap saat.

oke sampai disitu dulu penjelasan saya tentang platform perdagangan localcoinswap

silahkan kunjungi website ini untuk info lebih banyak lagi:  https://www.localcoinswap.com/
untuk bertanya-tanya soal LocalCoinSwap bisa bergabung group telegramnya: https://t.me/localcoinswap/

Kapitalis Hard Soft dan Bonus CrowdSale

Penerbitan Cryptoshare ICO
Gambaran umum:

Token Code                                                          <LCS
Price per LCS                                                       <0.40 USD
LCS maximum total supply                                 <100,000,000
Available through pre-ICO/presale/ICO              <70,000,000
Token freeze                                                         <20,000,000
Token burn                                                            <All unsold 
 Payment currencies                                              <ETH, BTC, USDT, BCH, XRP, USD, EUR, GBP,                                                                                   AUD, NZD, CAD & more
Soft cap                                                                  <500,000 USD 
Absolute hard cap                                                  <20,000,000 USD(remaining tokens destroyed)  
Bonus structure                                                      <Community based
Transparency                                                          <Open source (public Github)  

Alokasi Cryptoshares:

Kapitalisasi Hard and Soft
Cryptocurrency minimum yang tersedia untuk pembelian Cryptoshares selama crowdsale adalah:
Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ripple (XRP) & Tether (USDT).
Pembelian melalui transfer SWIFT dalam mata uang fiat juga dapat dilakukan secara langsung menggunakan: Dolar AS (USD), Euro (EUR), Poundsterling Inggris (GBP), Dolar Australia (AUD), Dolar Kanada (CAD) & Dolar Selandia Baru (NZD).

Transfer SWIFT dapat dilakukan dalam mata uang lainnya namun ini tunduk pada pertukaran standar
biaya tarif. Cryptoshares dibayar melalui transfer SWIFT dirilis setelah penyelesaian transaksi
oleh bank terkait dengan kami. Tambahan cryptocurrency juga dapat tersedia jika waktu pengembangan memungkinkan.

Harga awal untuk Cryptoshares saat ini ditetapkan sebesar 0,4 USD per LCS. Mata uang pembayaran lainnya ditetapkan pada nilai ETH yang setara. Ini dapat berubah jika ada perubahan besar dalam harga ETH / USD untuk memastikan hard cap dipertahankan.

SoftCap  untuk acara crowdsale Cryptoshare adalah $ 500.000 USD dalam nilai total semua mata uang penjualan. Jika soft cap ini tidak tercapai, semua dana akan dikembalikan kepada investor.

HardCap untuk acara crowdsale Cryptoshare adalah $ 20.000.000 USD dalam nilai total semua mata uang penjualan. HardCap mencapai crowdsale akan ditutup dan semua Cryptoshares yang tersisa yang ditawarkan dihancurkan. Batas ini dipilih untuk memberikan kepercayaan kepada investor dalam jumlah maksimum ekuitas mereka di situs dapat diencerkan, dan untuk meningkatkan nilai investasi bagi semua pemegang Cryptoshares.

Struktur bonus Crowdsale
Periode presale akan berjalan dengan alokasi bonus sebesar 40%. Presale akan segera ditutup jika 10.000.000 Cryptoshares didistribusikan. Selama periode crowdsale, milestone pendanaan telah ditetapkan pada setiap kenaikan $ 5.000.000. 
setiap kenaikan tercapai, semua pembeli yang ada di acara crowdsale menerima tambahan 5% tetes udara(AirDrop) Cryptoshares untuk didistribusikan setelah crowdsale ditutup. Tetes udara(Airdrops) ini juga didistribusikan untuk pembeli presale, tetapi tidak untuk Cryptoshares yang diadakan oleh tim pengembangan, keamanan / dana bounty & dana ventura baru.
-$ 5,000,000 dari pendanaan tercapai: Semua investor Cryptoshare crowdsale yang ada menerima 5% Cryptoshares tambahan.
-$ 10.000.000 pendanaan tercapai: Semua investor crowdsale Cryptoshare yang ada menerima
5% Cryptoshares tambahan.
-$ 15.000.000 dana yang diperoleh: Semua investor Cryptoshare crowdsale yang ada menerima 5% Cryptoshares tambahan.
-$ 20.000.000 dana mencapai: Semua investor crowdsale Cryptoshare yang ada menerima
5% Cryptoshares tambahan. Token sisa kemudian dihancurkan untuk meningkatkan nilai total untuk semua investor. 
Untuk Mengetahui lebih lanjut silahkan cek websitenya : https://www.localcoinswap.com/
Bila ingin bertanya-tanya tentang localcoinswap silahkan bergabung dengan group telegramnya

Minggu, 13 Mei 2018


LocalCoinSwap (LCS) is a decentralised marketplace which allows buyers and sellers to trade directly in any cryptocurrency using any method of payment. LocalCoinSwap provides a safe, uncomplicated and fast peer-to-peer (P2P) trading platform, allowing users to freely exchange without unnecessary verification requirements or waiting times. The platform utilises a secure escrow system that solves the inherent trust issues of online P2P trading. 

LocalCoinSwap is holding a crowdsale event of LCS Cryptoshares. Cryptoshares are a digital asset which will be used to facilitate distribution of all profits made by the LocalCoinSwap platform, in addition to all profits made by new business ventures under the LocalCoinSwap umbrella. Cryptoshare holders will additionally receive airdrops of new ICO tokens listed on the LocalCoinSwap platform. 

The platform implements a novel approach to traditional company ownership by utilising blockchain technology to distribute the entirety of the site's profits to holders of LCS Cryptoshares. This asset entitles investors to regular dividend payments denominated in all of the currencies traded on the platform. Holders of the Cryptoshare may also participate in the long run vision and decision making of the company itself through democratic voting in a proofof-stake system. This replicates the dividend payments and shareholder voting of traditional companies, with the added benefits of blockchain technology and decentralisation.

LocalCoinSwap Cryptoshares
Cryptoshare Overview:
LCS Cryptoshares are not like traditional ICO tokens. Instead of a vague promise of possible future returns or idealistic visions which may never eventuate into product, Cryptoshares entitle the holders to guaranteed rights to 100% of the total profits from the Localcoinswap exchange through cryptocurrency dividends. 

Cryptocurrency profits are paid to shareholders in the same cryptocurrencies in which they are made, allowing the investor to receive a regular stream of portfolio income. By holding a single Cryptoshare asset, the investor is entitled to a wide variety of cryptocurrency profits across the entire spectrum of the digital economy. Cryptoshare holders are also entitled to receive airdrops of new tokens when ICO’s are listed on the LocalCoinSwap platform.

In addition, LCS Cryptoshares entitle the holder to voting rights in the platform’s decisionmaking process, such as the listing of new tokens on the exchange, the direction of new business ventures and design considerations or functionalities for the platform. Cryptoshares in LocalCoinSwap are more than just a stream of dividends, by investing you become an integral part of the future of the exchange itself.

Who It Works
The protocol behind the LCS Cryptoshare, dividend distribution and voting token is provably achievable with existing technology and does not require any fundamental advances in Blockchain technology to implement. The development focus of the Cryptoshare is on the direct utility it provides for the user rather than aiming to be disruptive technology.

At the end of each financial period, profits for all cryptocurrencies are calculated and published publicly before being distributed back to LCS Cryptoshare holders. A dashboard is available on the LocalCoinSwap platform detailing the dates, amounts and distribution details for the current period. 

To claim dividends such as ETH, BTC, BCH, DASH, ETC, or Monero, the holders of LCS Cryptoshares are automatically entitled to claim ERC20 dividend tokens on a 1-to-1 basis according to their holdings of Cryptoshares. After claiming the dividend tokens, holders can use the token to sign a message containing their wallet addresses for the currencies they wish to claim. They then broadcast the message and dividend tokens back to LocalCoinSwap’s decentralised contract address, at which point the dividend currencies are transmitted automatically to their respective wallets. Alternatively, the dividend tokens can be redeemed directly into the wallet balances of user accounts on the LocalCoinSwap platform.  

Because of this, there is no obligation to redeem the cryptocurrency portfolio income into the private wallets of LCS holders, and users may instead hold on to their dividend tokens, choose to redeem their funds at a later date, or even liquidate the token through an off-market sale. LCS dividend tokens can thus act as a placeholder for an entire cryptocurrency portfolio, without forcing the user to deal with the process of setting up multiple cryptocurrency wallets. 

Digital Ticks

Traders – The most important and integral part of crypto exchange. Digital Ticks has gone a step ahead to develop a more user friendly, featured pack, ultra-low latency crypto exchange with robust technology for providing ease of trading.

A First ever commodity - crypto exchange well designed by traders for traders. Digital Ticks Exchange (DTx) is just not another crypto to crypto exchange but is also a semi-algorithm platform provider in its own. DTx plans to cater to all types of crypto assets as well as commodity to crypto assets. DTx would be power packed by a lot of advanced features including all the basic features of an exchange required by a novice trader to a professional trader as well as for a high frequency trader. In terms of security DTx is taking extra precautionary measures to avoid any kind of hacks like DDoS attacks, phishing attempts and by also performing vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. DTx has installed robust technologies behind the scene that could handle heavy volatility of the crypto markets as well as commodity markets which can handle upto 1,000,000 orders per second. Digital Ticks Exchange team believes into robust technology, ahead of industry standards in terms of providing customer service to its stakeholders as well as traders. Digital Ticks Exchange team ensures all its traders to have a smooth and user friendly trading experience. Digital Ticks Exchange would not levy any transaction charges for first few months of inception thereby giving traders to trade on zero transaction charges. DTx would give volume-based incentive for high frequency trader (HFT) which would give them scope for retaining higher profitability in the trade.

<Features – (To be rolled out on platform in following order)>
• Crypto- Crypto Currency Pair.
• Commodity- Crypto Pair.
• Spot Trading.
• Futures.
• Algorithms & High Frequency trading.
• Decentralized (on-chain) exchange.
• Much more for ease of doing trading.

<Trading Coins / Commodities>
Digital Ticks Exchange would support following trading coins / commodities:
• BTC 
• ETH 
• LTC 
• NEO 
• DTx 
More trading pairs would be added over a period of time as per the demand of the trading community. If you wish to list a coin or any other financial instrument on Digital Ticks Exchange in future, participation in token sale will help.

We value and protect your privacy and the security of your wallet. Digital Ticks Exchange team has undergone lot of security checklist to keep client assets and personal data safe. Funds not necessary for immediate withdrawal are held in secure offline air gapped cold storage. 

Cold storage in the context of Bitcoin refers to keeping a reserve of Bitcoins offline. This is often a necessary security precaution, especially dealing with large amounts of Bitcoin. Digital Ticks Exchange typically offer an instant withdrawal feature, so to minimize the possibility that an intruder could steal the entire reserve in a security breach, we will follow a best practice by keeping the majority of the reserve in cold storage, or in other words, not present on the web server or any other computer.

DTx token would be available for purchase to public. DTx Token is an UTILITY Token. A strict limit of 128 MM DTx tokens will be created, never to be increased. DTx token will be a ERC20 compatible token and built on Ethereum blockchain technology.

Allocation of DTx Tokens:

DTx token sale will be open for pre-sale from 25th March 2018. One can purchase DTx token by giving equivalent amount of BTC / ETH / WIRE TRANSFER. Wire transfer would be acceptable through our Intermediaries across the globe.

DTx token sale would start from 15:00 hours (GMT+4) 25 th March 2018, investors can buy the token in following phases. The early they buy the more benefit investor would get as the price would increase at every next level. 

DTx Tokens can be purchased by exchanging equivalent amount of BTC / ETH / WIRE TRANSFER. Wire transfer would be accepted through our Intermediaries across the globe. 

DTx tokens would be used to pay fees on our platform , included but not limited to:
-Exchange trading fees.
-Volume Based Incentive discount.
-Withdrawal Fees.
-Listing Fees.
-Additional functionalities like research report, statistical calculation, etc.
-Strategic Investment by beneficiary member of the exchange.
-Any other fees.

Exchange fee discounting model

#DigitalTicks #Etherum #TokenSale #Cryptocurrency #Coin

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2018

SmartContainers(Second Application)

Second Application: FoodGuardians (www.foodguardians.ch)
FoodGuardians offers the next generation of reusable containers and boxes for regional and global transport of temperature sensitive food products. The combination of patented cooling technology, cutting-edge insulation and blockchain infrastructure allows us to preserve a product’s freshness and traceability.

Our vision is to allow your local butcher to order your favorite steak directly from the producing farm and send it straight to your barbecue.
This second division of Smart Containers Group:
• has been founded and is up and running with inital investments secured.
• has secured feasability approval for defined cost and technological attributes.
• is negotiating partnerships with major players in the field for a rapid route to market.
• has initial customers already in negotiation.

Route to market:
• Business-to-Business (phase 1): Focus on palletized high value niche food (i.e. fish, chocolate, wine).
• Business-to-Consumer (phase 2): Regional distribution through a medium sized box that can be used for:
• direct to home delivery for online retailers
• supermarkets offering home delivery
• distribution of high value temperature-sensitive products to restaurants and hotels (i.e. fish, meat, patisserie, delicacies)

Achievement of the next three years
Blockchain integration: Today, SkyCell and future FoodGuardians containers are tracked and traced around the world by multiple gateways that send data to our centralized database built on parts of blockchain technology. Every container is equipped with a multitude of sensors that deliver the most precise data on temperature, humidity and location. This system has a proven track record and allows us to provide unparalleled services to our clients, making SkyCell containers the safest pharma containers worldwide, with temperature deviation results 75x better than the industry average. With blockchain technology becoming more and more accessible and its increasing acceptance in the very conservative logistics field, we decided to rethink our IT infrastructure and determine whether this new technology could help improve our business model earlier than expected.

About 12 months ago, we concluded that blockchain offered a significant potential to reduce cost and scale our business. Since then we have been running tests and pilot projects to explore the technical feasibility of this idea. We will share our findings below:
1. Management of paper and email flood to ship own assets: the LOGI CHAIN 
As an established company in the logistics space, we are extremely well-placed to become the global standard in the logistics industry. Today, we track and trace our containers through various sensors and gateways. This data is then stored and analyzed in a central database with a technology very close to a centralized blockchain. Even today, SkyCell already gathers 5 m data points per months.

The most inefficient part in logistics is the need for up to 200 documents and non-integrated manual email communications for each shipment. This requires a huge amount of manual intervention, which is costly and time consuming (see more details on pp. 12-14). In fact, it is more expensive to admininstrate a shipment than to effectively ship it.

We see an opportunity to move the paper trail of the container onto blockchains. The publicly accessible parts of this record on a public blockchain like Ethereum, while private documents will be placed on a permissoned blockchain like Fabric from the Hyperledger Foundation. Stakeholders in a shipment will then get access to the relevant documents through an online reader and be able to process the relevant actions. We have not yet decided, which blockchain infrastructure will be the most relevant for this project. Many of them have already approached us, since we are the first logistics use case and therefore an interesting projects for all of them. 

We quickly realized that this plan will only work, once a large portion of industry players have integrated the same process. This means the LOGI CHAIN needs to become an independent ecosystem, managed by a neutral foundation. Therefore, we have decided to build the LOGI CHAIN Foundation and assemble a board of credible industry experts to manage the LOGI CHAIN economics, including its payment tool, the LOGI token. Smart Containers Group will be a member of the foundation board, but will submit to the decisions of the foundation council, ensuring an impartial position is maintained.

2. Payment in cryptocurrencies to increase payment security and reduce fees
Today the container administration is done “manually”. This means one of our operation’s pool employees checks each containers position, invoicing the client on a case-by-case basis and then arranging for the asset to be revovered. This is a cost- and time-intensive process. 
Example: SkyCell rents out a container for a shipment from Hyderabad, India to London in the UK. The lease fee is quoted at USD 3’000. However, the shipment is delayed and additional fees of USD 1’000 are accrued. After our operations team member changes the quote and sends an invoice, the payment arrives 6 weeks later and 5% of the amount is deducted for banking transfer fees out of India. This is costly, inefficient and needs improvement, especially as the number of our shipments increase. 

Currently, our container sensors already “know” when a shipment has arrived at its destination and when its contents have been unloaded. Our vision is to integrate smart contracts in this process and automate the whole invoicing and payment process in this way. Payments will be executed instantaneously when the container is unloaded through cryptocurrency payments, reducing the fees and their transmission time to a minimum. As of January 2018, SkyCell has announced it will accept payments for its container leasing in bitcoin and ether. We plan to accomplish the next steps in the process within 12-18 months.  

SmartContainers(First Application)

Base Technology
Nico Ros our CTO & Co-Founder, had a vision of a new insulation technology which would provide best-in-class insulation, while being 100% recyclable. More than 50 man-years of research (about 100‘000 hours of engineering) were poured into an unprecedented, highly efficient insulation material. This cutting-edge solution reflects the maximum radiation while minimizing heat conducting. It is the most patent-protected insulation technology on the market. When designing cooling containers, insulation is half the rent. Combined with this highly efficient solution, Nico and his team invented an ingenious cooling technology that stores five times more energy than traditional methods to keep the container at a steady temperature. Consequently, all Smart Containers are automatically recharged through cold air without any manual interference.

However, we have not reached our final stage of development yet. Although we are already recognized as the best solution on the market, there is still room to improve performance five-fold or decrease the weight / volume of containers further. Our R&D team is constantly improving upon today’s state of development and never rests on its laurels. But brilliant hardware alone is not enough. It’s the combination with our software that makes our business model so attractive. Today, we can track and trace the position, temperature, humidity and general condition of every container around the world with an infrastructure of sensors and gateways in all relevant logistic hubs. This high-tech solution, provides our clients with security and compliance unparalleled in the industry. No container is cleared for use unless our software indicates it is in perfect condition.

Our software is based on blockchain technology. Smart Containers Group has the largest air freight fleet of IoT containers on the market. Each container can be tracked around the world based on:

Combining hardware, software and services in this way has given us the lowest failure rate in the industry: a staggering 75x better than the market average. The combination of all these elements is protected by 96 patents and forms the basis of all Smart Containers Group products.  

First Application: SkyCell (www.skycell.ch)
• Fourth largest player in temperature-sensitive pharma logistics in just 5 years. 
• Created the safest container on the market, with less than 0.1% temperature deviations in 2017 (market average 8.5%). 
• Counts the largest pharma companies as clients to conduct the most difficult temperature controlled shipments 
• 30% lighter containers, while carrying 50% more payload than the market leader (both generate up to 20% total cost savings and CO2 reduction for clients). 
• High level executive board of industry experts. 
• Proudly partnered with two global key players: Emirates and Cargolux. 
• Part of the IATA Time Temperature Task Force and strategic partner of IATA (International Air Transport Association). 
• First air freight container company to accept cryptocurrencies for payments (from 2018 onwards).

Route to market and market potential: Business-to-Business: SkyCell initially focused on the palletized highend temperature-sensitive pharma goods and is on the verge of scaling. The market size is at USD 1 b. Business-to-Consumer: SkyCell is in the unique position to bring to market a solution to ship an individual syringe or other form of medication (auto injector, patch, pills, etc.). This system was developed over the last three years and perfected with one of our top clients. This direct-to-patient delivery is the future: studies of high level consulting companies estimate this market segment will become a USD 2.5 b market. We have no equivalent competitior in this field. Market launch is planned in June.

Financial results: SkyCell is already operational: a strong-performing company with over 80 team members (35 employees and 45 subcontractors) and solid financial figures available for analysis. However, we want to preserve our competitive advantage over our competitors, which prevents us from sharing this data publicly on the Internet. 

SkyCell has already been approached by a competitor and strategic buyer twice for acquisition. Therefore, as a valuable company we must preserve this value and avoid leaking information about margins and market position.

About Smart Containers Group

is a Swiss-based technology company that provides the safest temperature-controlled containers to transport sensitive pharma goods and food around the world. Our goal is to secure sensitive goods and to make sure no one ever receives a compromised product. The unique combination of cutting-edge hardware, highly efficient software and unique services, has placed Smart Containers Group as a fast-growing service provider and highly attractive investment proposition with a potential exit scenario within a few years.

Smart Containers Group is a growing high potential company already. Why does it raise funds through an ICO rather than venture capital companies?
-Smart Containers Group has raised more than USD 25 m of investments through private investors for all its companies (Smart Containers Group, SkyCell & FoodGuardians) in traditional financing rounds.
-It is in its company structure a highly lucrative target for venture capital and private equity investors. The goal however, is to rely on a larger network of involved supporters and investors, which do not limit its entrepreneurial activities to financials, but supports it in a sustainable way.
-A fund raise through an ICO will allow Smart Containers Group to go beyond the current limitations, thus resulting in a wider reach of interested persons and an immutable audit trail of transactions on the blockchain.
-The ICO will allow Smart Containers Group to keep control of all entities and not be forced to exit in a predefined amount of years. The founders and majority shareholders prefer to scale the business in the pace that they deem healthy and sustainable. They are not in for a quick return but for the fulfillment of building a truly valuable business that helps to improve the world.

Smart Containers Group: Technology leading high tech container provider to push logistic boundaries 
Scaling our existing activities: At Smart Containers Group, we began to solve these logistical problems 8 years ago, when we decided to research different technological solutions for moving goods, in calloboration with scientific labs (EMPA – Leading Swiss Institute for materials science and testing; Fraunhofer Institute – leading German Institute for materials science and testing), financed by various research grants. Today, we have achieved considerable economic success in our primary field - pharma logistics - through our first division company SkyCell (www.skycell.ch). In less than 5 years, SkyCell has grown into the fourth largest pharma container provider with a globally available pool, a strong client base, strategic partnerships (Emirates & Cargolux) and over 80 team members around the world (35 employees and 45 subcontractors). Our company is growing fast, and we are very proud of what we have achieved so quickly.

SkyCells` container fleet today:

Revolutionizing the logistic industry:As part of our proposition, we are conducting an additional project to distrupt and revolutionize the logistics industry. Many in the blockchain community believe the new solutions generated through this technology will disrupt two industries first: finance and logistics. We agree with this view and see the potential. As experts with solid business relationships with the largest industry players, we have decided to tackle logistics. History has shown, that disruption will not come from large conglomerates, but from small, agile and innovative entities that know the industry and can afford to overthrow certain rules. This is us. We proved our skills by launching completely new, cutting-edge technology containers five years ago. We entered the market as a ‘nobody’, and today we are recognized as the best solution on the market with the fourth largest fleet of pharma containers worldwide. 

In getting here, we’ve come to realize how inefficient and complex the logistics process is. To ship a parcel between two countries, some two hundred different documents and communications (manual emails) are needed to align every party to the shipping process. It is more expensive to administer a shipment than to execute it.

Some examples of documents needed for just one temperature-sensitive air freight shipment include:
• Documents of origin.
• Material safety sheet.
• Airway bill.
• Bill of lading. 
• Transport order.
• Customs declaration documents & bills.
• Invoices.
• Product data sheet.
• Storage conditions.
• Transport conditions.
• Multiple service provider billings.
• Licenses.
The logistics process requires large teams on all sides to tackle this email flood and generate the correct invoices. Meanwhile, huge SAP centralization projects have failed to produce desired outcomes. With so much inefficiency, it is evident that the situation is highly ripe for disruption.

Problem & Solution.
The problem: centralized processes
We have indentified an important opportunity to create a fully integrated, seamless logistics ecosystem, open to all participants within the industry and based on blockchain technology. This ecosystem will be called LOGI CHAIN. The goal is to eliminate paper and disconnected information like email. The second step will be to automate billing of containers through smart contracts and cryptocurrencies. Here‘s how the plan works: A physical logistics unit (e.g. a container, parcel, product, etc.) is mirrored as a virtual product (chip) on blockchain infrastructure. The virtual chip is available to every user at minimal cost. Various documents and attributes can be linked to the chip and made accessible to the relevant parties in the process (e.g. customs officers, freight forwarders, contractors, shippers, buyers, warehouse workers).

The solution: decentralize
Some documents will be open to the public and can be viewed by everyone on a public blockchain like Ethereum. Other more sensitive and private documents will require a permissioned blockchain infrastructure such as Fabric or Corda. Other infrastructures such as NEM, EOS or NEO are considered as well. The different parties in the shipping process will access the documents through an open source reader. 

This ecosystem will generate considerable efficiencies such as reducing costs, shipping delays and CO2 by eliminating paper and unintegrated emails.This will culminate in the creation of an autonomous shipping parcel that is invoiced automatically through smart contracts and paid for in cryptocurrencies. As this information is available in real time, the relevant parties will be able to take action quickly when a problem occurs in the supply chain. 

Jumat, 11 Mei 2018

Universal Protocol For Proof-of-Skill

SDP: The Universal Protocol For Proof-of-Skill
Workkola´s model having been proven and validated by the market, it’s time to take a step ahead with the deployment of the Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP): a distributed, open source, skill-validation protocol that will allow anyone to validate and empower skills in a standardized and meritocratic way. Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) is an open-source, public, blockchain-based and distributed skills-validation protocol that aims to build a universal and evolving Human Skills Ecosystem that will change the way we showcase and boost our talents. Forever.

What Problem Does The SDP Solve?
Even if technology is booming, the qualification of knowledge/skills is still mostly focusing on the knowledge acquisition layer not even touching the rest of the layers (allocation, contextualization and boosting). In addition, solutions are in most cases centralized and atomized (like current Workkola) providing exceptional power to qualifiers. A good example is the traditional education system (1 professor to many students, 1 institution to many students) or most of e-learning platform such as Udemy, Coursera or Udacity (1 professor to many students). The atomization of solutions and platforms is also a big problem in order to unify all knowledge/skills interactions because of the trust problem and the small-players problem. Skyllz Distributed Platform aims to unify, scale and connect the whole ecosystem of platforms that put one or more layers of Knowledge/Skill in value (Skills Touchpoints Applications or STapps) with a single, standardized, and distributed protocol that builds integrated and automated portfolios. 

The SDP Architecture  
The following graph synthesizes the different layers of the SDP:
-Application layer: where STapps can participate and benefit from the ecosystem on top of the SDP.
-Service layer: providing the necessary technology and abstraction, through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to support the application layer.
-Blockchain layer: the Ethereum protocol has been chosen as the technological platform for the SKT, Proof-of-Skill and smart contracts.

The SDP Protocol
Skyllz Distributed Platform sets the standards to create a cross-platform ecosystem where:

⠂Any user that acquires, applies, or improves a skill on any application from the SDP with a resolved rating greater than the minimum for qualification, will automatically see its Proof-of-Skill of this specific skill updated with the resulting amount on the Ethereum Blockchain.
⠂The Proof-of-Skill of every skill stored by any user will be publicly visible and hereunder shareable (via its Ethereum address).
⠂Any Skill Touchpoint Application (STapp) can participate on the SDP if it follows the 7 Principles of the SDP, meets the technical requirements to connect with the APIs (skyllz.io), and is accepted by the Skyllz community (proof-of-skill and SKT holders’ vote).
⠂Any STapp on top of the SDP, will be able to add any new skill to the Blockchain, if accepted by the Skyllz community (proof-of-skill and SKT holders’ vote), in order to ensure the evolution and adaptability of the SDP over time (new jobs, new relevant skills, new priorities…).
⠂A community of Raters -- experienced users from a specific area or skill -- that acts as oracles between the off-blockchain triggers and the on-blockchain resulting processes. They will decide whether a skill has been acquired, applied or improved successfully or not, and whether Skyllz Tokens (SKT) should be transferred to the user or not, in an anonymized way and using a Proof-of-Skill betting system. This will ensure quality of the ratings, avoid biases (maintaining anonymity during the rating period) and will keep bad actors out of the game.
⠂Raters will get Skyllz Tokens (SKT) in exchange for their ratings.
⠂Skyllz Tokens (SKT) will allow to access to the services of any STapp on top the SDP.

Telegram : https://t.me/skyllz

Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP)

The Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) is a distributed and open-source skill validation protocol that enables users to validate and empower skills acquisition, allocation, contextualization and boosting freely within and across Skills Touchpoints Applications (STapps) such as e-learning platforms, networking platforms, portfolio platforms, offline education platforms or any other platform that want to benefit from and add value to the Skyllz ecosystem.
The protocol sets the standards to create a cross-platform ecosystem where users acquire, apply or improve a skill on any Skill Touchpoint application (STapp) built on top of it.
Users can validate their skills across STapps with Proof-of-Skill (Skyllz reputation) and finance their self-development with Skyllz Tokens.
Disrupting status quo and avoiding biases with a decentralized and anonymized system of  P2P validations of skills thanks to the Raters (that act as oracles between other users and the Smart Contracts)

Proof-of-Skill and Skyllz Tokens are both reflected on the Ethereum Blockchain and are publicly accessible and visible. No single company owns or benefits from the storage of this data anymore. The value is shared among the community in a meritocratic way.

Specially designed for developers and game-changers that want to bring and get value from the SDP. Skyllz APIs (skyllz.io) simplify the integration with the SDP to help the community build or enhance powerful and impactful solutions that will change the world

 Skyllz Roadmap
Skyllz roadmap is mainly divided in 3 main phases: 
● Phase I: Skyllz protocol development and deployment: the SDP and SKT 
● Phase II: Skyllz Beta in a controlled and closed ecosystem. Adoption of Workkola to the protocol as the first STapp on top of the SDP. Early ignition + model testing + debugging + use cases + security reinforcement 
● Phase III: Skyllz v2 release. Opening the protocol to third parties. Allocation of a 7.5% of total issued SKT to finance further developments or adoptions of STapps to the SDP. Early ignition of the ecosystem. 

Previous steps (Workkola) 
1. Harvard Pilot | Summer 2015: Without platform, we did a proof of concept in a class at Harvard and a group of international startups in Boston, USA. 
2. Alpha release | Dec. 2015: First version of the Workkola’s platform based on the Harvard results. 
3. Incorporation | Jan. 2016: Workkola, Inc. a Delaware C-Corp. 
4. Beta release | June 2016: New release with a new and better focus after the feedback and results of the Alpha version. First paying customers: startups. 
5. Startup Bootcamp acceleration program | Nov. 2016: Selected to be part of 2016-17 SBC’s batch of startups in Barcelona. Inflexion point. 
6. Full version release | May 2017: New and enhanced version of Workkola’s platform. New UX, features and focus on Talent Branding of users. 
7. Seed Round | June 2017: Closing of Workkola’s seed financing round. EUR 250K with investors from Spain, UK, Hong Kong and Estonia.

Telegram : https://t.me/skyllz

Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

About Skyllz

Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) is an open-source, public, blockchain-based and distributed skills-validation protocol that aims to build a universal and evolving Human Skills Ecosystem that will change the way we showcase and boost our talents. Forever.

The Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) aims to build a universal and evolving Human Skills Ecosystem that replaces CVs.
The SDP ecosystem is fuelled by two different elements:
1.Proof-of-Skill, which is the reputation related to every specific skill on the SDP. It is non-tradeable and handles skills validations as traceable annotations on the Ethereum Blockchain.
2.SKT, which is an exchangeable ERC-20 compliant token that fuels the SDP ecosystem and operations. It enables users to participate, validate and certify their skills across applications.

Proof-of-Skill (Skyllz Reputation) 
The Skyllz reputation, called Proof-of-Skill, is the backbone of the Skyllz Distributed Platform and the Skyllz ecosystem. It is non-tradeable and traceable, and handles the attribution of reputation to specific skills and skill sets that a user possesses directly on the Ethereum Blockchain. Once the requirements of the smart contract are met on a STapp, a variable amount of Proof-of-Skill (depending on the overall resolved rating by the Raters) is attributed to the specified skill evaluated.

This amount of Proof-of-Skill is updated by the smart contract(s) on the associated skill of the user’s Ethereum address (annotation on its address).  Proof-of-Skill works as reputation and, as a result, is cumulative without any predefined cap.

A talented individual will perennially have the evidence of his/her skill proofs through annotations on the Ethereum blockchain covering a broad palette of skills, e.g.: business development, coding (languages x, y, z,…), community management, leadership, conceptual thinking, etc.

The Skyllz Token (SKT): Fueling The Skyllz Distributed Platform
The Skyllz Token (SKT), an ERC-20 compliant utility token, enables users to access and transact on the SDP. They serve as units of account that enable users to participate and get validations of their skills on or across any application of the ecosystem. SKT is a utility token of fixed supply that can be integrated into applications as the transactional layer of value.
Telegram : https://t.me/skyllz

Competitive advantages and Safinus ICO

Existing solutions
There are a few platforms that are attempting to solve current problems. However, their provided solutions are far off from being complete.

Platforms attempting to link portfolio managers with investors have very limited functionality, or the opposite, too many unnecessary elements, which complicate asset trading and investing. Some solutions might be unrealizable in the face of developing technologies, or legal limitations.

For example, on some platforms, created funds/portfolios are tokenized. In such a scenario, a token is pretty much useless.

Attempts of attracting new investors to the market by means of realizing copy trading mechanisms and mimicking the strategies of professionals are also quite ineffective. Investors frequently can't physically buy the same asset as can a trader that he is mimicking, since he given asset might not be sold at the right volume and price at that moment.

Moreso, the purchase might be quite unprofitable due to high volatility. For example, a professional might have acquired a specific asset, but during the time of the same asset being copy-purchased by an investor, it might have already reached its all time high and start falling in price shortly, as a result, the investor will not be able to sell it profitably.

The Safinus platform eliminates these problems. Safinus accumulates competitor best practices and strips them of their shortcomings. This, together with our own innovative solutions will allow us to create the best platform, granting security and ease of use to all users.

Competitor comparison

During the ICO, the Safinus platform will launch and distribute SAF tokens.

SAF Token
SAF - is a token created based on the Ethereum and complies with ERC-20 standard.

SAF tokens and legal aspects
The SAF token is NOT a security token. It is meant for use on the platform by portfolio managers. Token owners do not receive dividends, and do not participate in the managing of the company. Therefore, SAF tokens are utility tokens and do not fall under financial regulations.

SAF token use on the platform
The SAF Token is used by portfolio managers to pay fees and commissions of the Safinus Platform. It's usage is similar to other exchanges' tokens (for example, BNB within Binance exchange).

SAF token issuance and distribution
SAF tokens will be released once during the ICO. No tokens will be released after the ICO.

The price of 1 SAF token = 1 USD during the ICO.

The SAF token distribution will be carried out like so:

92% of tokens will be distributed during the ICO
5% of tokens will be used for marketing and PR purposes

3% of tokens will be spend on the bounty campaign


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