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Sabtu, 05 Mei 2018

IAGON is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple computers over adecentralizedBlockchaingrid.IAGONutilizesenables tostorebigdata files andrepositories, as well as smaller scales of files, and to carry out complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations, within a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates blockchain, cryptographic and AI technologies in a user-friendly way.

Just like a human brain, AI and machine learning algorithms require inputs of data to deduce an inference. Data mining is the computing process of discovering patterns in large data sets and helps reduce large sets of data structures to allow machine learning algorithms to make decisions and inferences. Consequently, as organizations and companies accumulate large datasets as a part of their day-to-day operations virtually on every aspect of their performance , suppliers and clients , they seek new ways to apply AI and machine learning methods to derive new managerial insights from the data on a continuous basis. 

Nonetheless , AI and machine learning tools for analyzing vast amounts of data require large volumes of computational power that organizations often lack, hence requiring them to subscribe to a commercial cloud service and uploading their sensitive data files into another company ’s servers . Due to the confiden - tial nature of data and its commercial value, many companies avoid doing so, hence not benefitting from the potential value of analyzing their databases with advanced AI methods. The Blockchain technology provides a unique and fully secure solution towards processing , storing and distributing data and maintaining their consistency and integrity that can be used for use cases like decetralized processing . The Blockchain is simply blocks of data hashed together and chained using previous hashes and its current block to maintain consistency across the chain (Vijayan, 2017). Blockchains use the SHA256 algorithm to create a hash. The unique nature of the hash makes its resource intensive to crack as the SHA256 hash can only be broken today through brute force with computational power that is not avail- able yet in the commercial hardware market (Vijayan, 2017).

IAGON was built not only to serve the decentralized network but also work with current data storage facilities like SQL and NoSQL databases. The approach taken with IAGON is unique to the point that IAGON utilizes is machine learning algorithm to distribute load across a decentralized network for processing and then encrypts/decrypts data which flows through its system.

There are many use cases that IAGON can serve:
1. IAGON can provide secure storage over centralized.
2. clustered or decentralized networks.
3. distribute data processing load across its network of data miners for data analytics.
4. provide a secure solution for creating smart contracts over the Blockchain.
5. serve to identify honest and attacking nodes within a system.

IAGON aim at providing its users and miners complete flexibility and freedom of choice in providing and consuming decentralized cloud services . Hence, IAGON will provide a multiple Blockchain solution. running its cloud storage and processing operations both on the Ethereum Blockchain and on Tangle. Users and miners can choose either Ethereum or Tangle to fully securely store their files, to process computational tasks , to pay and to receive IAGON tokens for cloud services , and primarily to bene.

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